Star pistol models
Star pistol models


Though it would be nice to declare that Star simply invented the more interesting features, all of them see to be able to be traced to Charles Petter designs of the 1930s. Of course, the most telling point is that the CZ-75 was first offered for sale in 1975, whereas Super style Stars with closed-cam unlocking were made from the late 1940s onward. A number of subtle details of design suggest to me that the Star engineers were looking at SIGs. Though I have never been in contact with a Star weapons designer, I believe this to be untrue, and that the Star designs are derived from 1930 Swiss pistols instead. These features, taken as a whole, have led many observers to decide that Stars of this era are all derived from the CZ75.


All manuals available are provided as downloadable PDFs, or you may purchase a printed copy of the entire set of handgun manuals.


Partly to make the series relationships clearer, and partly to assist with speed and accuracy of updating, all manuals can be found in one place, the manuals page.

star pistol models

However, in many cases there is a related manual. I do not have manuals for every pistol shown on this site. This makes assembly and disassembly easier and there is less chance of loss of parts. Captured recoil spring - The recoil spring is retained by a bushing and pin, instead of being readily removable from the guide rod.Also, screws cannot come loose and be lost, putting a weapon out of service. The advantage is of course that soldiers in the field can fix issues and clean weapons without bringing extra tools. Only a few screws are used, such as for adjustable sights and the magazine release. All small pins (as for the extractor) are sized so the firing pin can be used as a punch (but, firing pins are fragile and critical to operation, do don't do this!). The slide stop has a smaller diameter end piece that can be used to remove the hammer stop and remove the firing pin, and to depress the backstrap plunger, which releases the grip panels. No screws and few pins - The model 28 pistol can be disassebled almost entirely with only pieces attached to the weapon.Even when decockers appeared, they were an optional position after this same safety position. The hammer stayed cocked when on safe, which completely blocked the firing pin, but allowed the trigger to be pulled and to release the hammer.

star pistol models

Trigger-pulling safety - Until the M31 and later guns, like the Megastar, modern Star pistols had a safety lever but no decocker.Conventional double-action pistols can fire the first round with the hammer down, which is seen as safer. Double-action lockwork - All previous Star pistols were single-action, requiring the pistol to be carried with the hammer back and safety engaged.The bright green shape under the barrel in this animation highlights the cam path. The M28 (and SIG P-210, and CZ-75, and others) use a cam path that entirely controls the action of the barrel, like a link, but with fewer moving parts. This separate piece of metal was replaced on most guns with a simple ramp.

star pistol models

The first version of this, and all non-super Stars used a swinging link. They then unlock and the slide continues its recoil and loading cycle alone.

  • Closed cam-path locking - Browning style locking is a short-recoil system, where the force of the gun firing pushes the barrel and slide back as a locked unit a short distance.
  • This theoretically encourages accuracy and longevity from the longer engagement distance. The entire frame is engaged in slide/frame lockup, even the dustcover.
  • Inverted slide rails - The slide is surrounded by the frame, instead of being perched on top and wrapped around small protrusions of the frame.
  • 9 mm Parabellum and other world standard calibers were exclusively used from this point onward.
  • Standard calibers - No longer would 9 mm Largo be the primary caliber of most Star pistols.
  • star pistol models

    The unique features of the M28 were to be re-used in most subsequent designs. Shortly, the Colt 1911 derived weapons upon which Star had built its business and reputation for over 50 years would be discontinued as well. This was the beginning of an era of home-grown designs, rather than simple modifications to other platforms. The Model 28 heralded an entirely new direction for Star.

    Star pistol models